Water Feature Installation


To gardeners, water is both a practical necessity and an important design element. It adds music and movement to static surroundings in a variety of imaginative ways. We offer many exciting water feature options to both the residential and the commercial client. Indoors or out, large or small, Scenic Ponds & Gardens can provide the perfect water feature to suit any design

Ponds & Water Gardens

Nothing will make your property more unique and enjoyable than a water feature. Ponds and water gardens are an amazing way to bring some natural beauty to your yard.

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Courtyard & Formal Water Features

It is not an easy task to make a sanctuary out of a confined space hemmed in by glass or concrete. Formal water features are an amazing way to bring life to a patio, courtyard or entrance to your house.


Pondless Water Features

If your design is restricted by size or if you have concerns about safety, a pond-less water feature may be the answer. Pond-less features consist of a hidden basin which contains a water reservoir and pump that provide the mechanics for dramatic waterfalls,

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Fountains come in many shapes and sizes, from the traditional three-tiered to the modern minimalist. They can provide that dramatic flair to your front yard or that subtle sound and play of light in your courtyard.


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